Well the last few weeks have been difficult.
Both DH and I have had a huge crisis of confidence about exactly what the hell we are doing, where we are going with our lives etc.
At the most basic level we are incredibly bored. We lack purpose and direction. We both miss a sense of achievement and having something to focus on.
When you dont work there is a HUGE amount of free time to fill. We have found that hobbies and outdoor activities only take you so far. DH is really struggling with having lots of unstructured free time. He doesnt like it, he needs something to do everyday.
We have been unable to secure the casual work that we had hoped for. The economy is fucked. What is the point of being in the UK if we cannot work? This is the question we ask ourselves.
So we got on a flight and came back to Ibiza.
Wear sunscreen and retire early
3 hours ago
This is a problem that retired people face. When you do not have a daily job to go to, there is lots of time that suddenly becomes available. How do we fill it? There is no easy, single answer. We each have to search for it.
You are just starting much earlier than most people. Happy journey.
Lucky You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to hear what transpires from this little journey ;-) xxx
Casual work is hard, you may have to stand on your feet long hours.
Then there are the problems, a customer may give you a cold and going to work sick is even harder.
You did good to escape great one, you earned your freedom, now enjoy.
Jerry, this is so true except that we had not really planned to be retired, but we wanted to try something different. Well I think the economy has decided that we have been forced into retirement :)xx
Alice, e mail coming soon xx
Frank, thanks, I understand what you are saying, I thought I would enjoy doing something active for a change, but like you say its certainly not easy work xx
Brilliant and quite exciting: although you may not see it as such! How's it going in Ibiza - thought it was prohibitively dear. We are facing the need to make a decision now about where to go next - yes, a decision would be good :-)
Hi Anna,
I was thinking like a tourist before, if you live like a tourist here it is expensive. But this time we have cooked more, gone to the supermarket etc and it can be done. I will do a post about costs, but here we have rented an apt at the sea for 40 euros per night, they offer a winter monthly at 900 euros, I am sure I can get down further with negotiations.
I have worked out that it would not cost us much more to be here than where we are presently in the UK. Its a lovely place, well kept secret, the rural north by the coast :)
Thanks, Dreamer - I look forward to knowing a few more details about living there. We could do a few months on that sort of rent but for longer term I'd need a bit cheaper! How did you find your apartment? We know that we won't get the sort of life we want in the UK which is getting daily more and more expensive. We've had a few visits recently from old friends recently and have ended up going out for a number of restaurant meals in the city. We are horrified that over the past few moths we have spent literally hundreds of pounds on meals - food that wasn't even fantastic. Honestly, staying here, the money could just drain away - on nothing.
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